today, went out with kailing, jacqui, yufang(:longlong time never go out with them le.went for seoul garden, very cheap only leh. 15 bucks for a person(:pay 15 bucks and eat 150 bucks! HAHAHAH!
took many many photos, take turns to take. HAHAH!
this is yufang! (: (dun kill me please! HAHAHA!)
our 1, 2,3,4 poses! HAHAH!finish food, dun knoe where to go, went walking around,
at gift a name, kana pokie by the missy yeo, she is bad!really cannot find a place to go, so we decided to go to chua chu kang.on the train there(:
all wore slippers.
thinking of kailing. LOL!
yu fang wanna lick her nose! LOL!
now wanna pinch her injured toe. HAHAHA!
part of our 'liu lian pai'we got in love with 'liu lian pai'(six shots together)at chua chu kang,
we went there, wanted to get something for all of us, cannot find, so we went to make a badge, with our photos on it! :Dwhile waiting for it to be done, we continue taking photos. HAHAH!
finish le, jiu go home le, cause jac got tuition after tat, kailing meet kai mama at tampiness.
at the station, all the trains came were so full, we squeezed in! after tat jiu home sweet home! :Dbathed and come here blog le(:
THEY ARE LOVED! <3enough of words, people are falling asleep right? (:i have been posting these two post for 2 hours -_-"' (9pm to 11pm)blog soon! :D
WRITTEN HERE AT 10:16:00 PM (: